About Us

Our general meetings take place on the second Thursday of most months. We hold multiple competitions, and produce magic shows throughout the year. We ran a local show every month for seven years called Third Monday Magic!
The FVMC was founded in 2012 as International Brotherhood of Magicians Ring #387. Nicknamed the Celeste Evans Ring, we serve the central Fraser Valley--including Abbotsford, Mission, Maple Ridge, and Langley, extending as far west as Coquitlam, Surrey, and White Rock, and as far east as Chilliwack and Agassiz/Harrison. However, we welcome members from all over British Columbia, and the world!
Want to learn magic? We host lectures from professional magicians, and also provide lessons via the Fraser Valley Academy of Magic.
- Respect for our fellow members, our clients, and other performers in the industry.
- To treat people in the manner in which you expect to be treated.
- To show consideration for another person's feelings and interests.
- An attitude demonstrating that you value another person and their point of view.
- It means being open to being wrong.
- It means accepting people as they are.
- Members of the Fraser Valley Magic Company take an oath to promote harmony among those interested in magic and it's allied arts.
- Harmony is an environment in which people live and work well with other people, in a way that does not damage things around them.
- The conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or professional person.
- The Fraser Valley Magic Company is comprised of a variety of people, some professional entertainers, some amateur entertainers, and some hobbyists. Regardless which of these categories an individual falls in, we expect a high level of professionalism from them.
- Strive for excellence, put customer satisfaction first, do more than expected, praise your peers not yourself, share your knowledge, and always act in an ethical and morally just behaviour.
Our Namesake
The Fraser Valley Magic Company also has contains IBM Ring 387 which is known as the Celeste Evans Ring.
Celeste Evans (1931-2017) was a nightclub magician famous for her glamorous style and her dove act. She performed in a sleeveless gown, producing eight to twelve doves without using the baggy jackets and trousers male magicians could wear.
She was born and raised in White Rock--right here in the Fraser Valley.She traveled the world with her act, touring Asia and Africa and appearing on dozens of TV shows and countless live performances in Britain and the United States.
We are honoured to have the Ring named after this incredible entertainer.